Most Fetal Doppler come with their own instructions for operating the device, so when you get it, please check the instruction first.
These step-by-step instructions will help make your experience as stress-free as possible:
1. Get into a reclining position, laying down on your backside
2. Turn on your fetal Doppler
3. Determine what listening option you will be using (i.e., speaker or headphones) and adjust the volume accordingly
4. Expose your stomach; you may need to lift your shirt and lower your pants
5. Apply ultrasound gel to the lower abdomen region
6. Place the device on top of the gel and slowly start to move it from the lower abdomen upwards (more tips on placement below)
7. To locate your baby, continue to adjust the position of your device, changing both your angle of approach and covering different areas (more tips on movement below)
8. When you are finished, clean the device and your tummy by wiping off the gel with a dry cloth