Previous users have paved the way, and learning from their experiences will prepare you for potential bumps in the road. Here are some frequently asked questions by at-home Fetal Doppler users like you:
When can you start using an at-home Fetal Doppler?
The consensus of both practitioners and parents alike is that the appropriate time to start using an at-home Fetal Doppler is around 9-12 weeks. But it will depend on the body situation of pregnancy, some sources say it’s possible to find a heartbeat sooner, waiting an extra week or two can make the process easier.
How do you locate your baby inside you?
Your ability to successfully find your baby can depend on his or her fetal position. Your little one is constantly moving inside you and may sometimes be in a less optimal position for you to locate their heartbeat.
For example, sometimes their little head might be blocking the angle for the Fetal Doppler; other times, their knees are up to their chest, stifling the sound of the heartbeat.
If you don’t hear your baby’s heartbeat at first, don’t panic! Simply put the Fetal Doppler away and try again later once your baby has moved into a better spot.
What exactly should you be listening for?
Ultrasound technology doesn’t only detect fetal heartbeats. It can also pick up your pulse, your stomach grumbling, your blood flowing, the baby’s hiccups and movements, static, and more. These different sounds can get confusing. Thus, practicing on your own heartbeat helps you know what you’re listening for. When it comes to distinguishing between the baby’s heartbeat and your own, pay attention to beats per minute (BPM).
• A normal adult heart rate is around 80 BPM
• A normal 12- to 16-week fetus’ heart rate is much faster, around 150 BPM.
What do you do if you can’t find the heartbeat?
Even if you’re following these directions to a tee, it is not uncommon to have some difficulty using a Fetal Doppler on your own. Many mothers struggle to find their baby’s heartbeat on the first try, so don’t get discouraged. This is a learning process, and trial and error are inevitable. Don’t give up!